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I have Depression and Anxiety, but I'm not gonna shut up about it. We don't talk about mental illness because we think that people with mental illness are broken, or weird, or crazy, but we're not.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Navigating Emotional Support Animal Policy in the Workplace

So like an hour ago, I felt my mood just drop.  I'm not sure why.  I have been in a decent mood all day (except when I woke up.  I didn't want to wake up and rated today a sad face on my sleep-tracker app when I woke up).  I suspect it has something to do with what happened at work today.

We had to hire a new Sales Coordinator for my office.  It's essentially a property management job with the added bonus of having to sell our product to people as well as manage all of us that take phone calls and act as administrative assistants to the 200+ companies we work for.  A coworker had been optimistic about applying for the job and getting hired from within, but we were told that our company doesn't like to do that because it creates "animosity" and "favoritism" and "resentment" among those of us that don't move up the ladder.  Without even responding to the fact that my coworker wanted to apply for and interview for the job, an outside person was hired today.  That really pissed me off.  When I explained to Ethan this "policy," he said, "Imagine what the world would be like if all companies had that policy, of not hiring from within because of how the other employees felt."

As I have this problem of not taking shit like that sitting down, I immediately emailed our Director of Operations to ask if I could meet with him.  And I made a list of the crap that is happening in our office that my coworkers and I are upset about.  Then it was brought to my attention that two of our normal 5 would be leaving early so I wouldn't be able to meet with the DO right away.  I think that's what took the wind out of my sail.

So I'm sitting here thinking about why I feel bluer than when I came in, what might have happened to make me feel this way.  Was it something I saw on the Internet?  Some sad story of an animal being mistreated?  Which brought my thought process over to animals, and how much I love my puppy and how my heart just kind of feels better even just thinking about him, and how if I had him here with me at work, I would not have felt sad at all, and therefore my attitude and behavior wouldn't have changed.

And THIS, ladies and gentlemen is why I think I think I need to get him certified as an emotional support animal.

I started a blog post back before Christmas about a day when I'd brought Phoenix in to work with me to sort of test out his ability to sit with me at work as my emotional support animal:

"I tried to bring my dog to work with me today.  This is not the first time I've done it without explicit permission to do so.  It's just that at my office, lots of clients bring their dogs in with them, and as far as I can tell everyone loves having a dog around the office.   My manager has even gone so far as to say that it does the whole office good to see a pup running around because it lifts the entire mood of the place.  One client brings her new puppy in almost every day since she and her significant other can't leave her at home all day while they're gone at work.  (Two words for them - DOGGY.  DOOR.)

Anyway, to prevent myself from going completely bat-shit crazy mental-health facility admission insane (as I've already gone once in 2014), I'm going to start writing again.  Every day.  Maybe even make my writing into a book.

And thus begins the story of why I got pissed off today.

I decided last night to bring Phoenix to work today.  It's 2 days before Christmas, so the phones are slow (of course), and just about all of our on-site clients are gone for the holidays and I figured that it would be a good day to let Phoenix take stock of what it's like around the office so he can get used to it as we try to move forward getting him certified as an Emotional Support Animal officially.  It was my day to open the office, and he very politely just followed me around the office, stopping when I stopped, and occasionally sniffing a spot a little more in depth, but he was very well-behaved.  Then my manager came in, with her dog.  Her dog and the client's puppy ran around the office like crazy, and Phoenix wanted no part of it, so he just sat with me behind the desk as I began my work day.  He let out a bark when he heard the front door open once, and then let out another bark when a client walked by (both said that it was okay, and I told them that he's just jumpy because he's in a new place).  At which point my manager called the HR lady to tell her that I had my dog in the office (no mention of her dog), and asked if I had cleared that with anyone ahead of time.

Now, when I first began thinking about having Phoenix accompany me everywhere as an Emotional Support Animal, I asked the HR lady what the policy was and she told me that there wasn't one as far as she knew.  That it needed "to be researched."  Whether or not that means that I was supposed to do the research or she is supposed to do the research, I have no idea.  Either way, I was told that I needed to bring Phoenix home because my manager didn't want to have to deal with the owner of the company (who happens to work at our location) making a big deal about it....even though he's seen the plethora of other dogs wandering around the building and has yet to say a word about any of them."***

*To add to that story, the owner has NOW said something about dogs in the building.  He said he was in one Saturday, and went downstairs to use the restroom when a dog came up and "sniffed his crotch."  I don't know what kind of point he was trying to make, but it shows that he now has become sentient to the fact that sometimes there are dogs in the building.

**Also this guy is NOT the property manager, and there is NO signage in, on, or around the building prohibiting animals from being inside.

Either way, it's something I'm going to continue to look into.  I'd love any input or ideas or information anyone has on the subject.

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